
Healthcare reform2


No Supreme Court decision can change one simple fact: Obamacare is bad law, and it is now more critical than ever that it is repealed. 

When the president pushed congress to ram his legislation through over the objections of the American people, he justified it by saying that it didn’t raise our taxes.  Now the Supreme Court has confirmed that’s exactly what the law does.  The entire justification for the law is that it is a new tax.

States with Republican governors will continue to make a stand for individual liberty and the Republican Governors Association is working hard to make sure that we have more conservative leaders in the states.

Republican governors are leading the way across this country, focusing on common sense reforms and market-based solutions, but we need your help.  Will you donate $5, $25, $50, $100 or $250 dollars today to help ensure we have a firewall against the Obama agenda in the states?

On issue after issue, Republican governors are showing there is a better way.  Your support has never been more important.

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