
Elect Charlene B. Nelson for District Court Judge


A successful political campaign requires a strong grass roots organization. There are signs, brochures, and advertising to distribute. Phone calls to make, neighborhoods to canvas, and polls to cover during elections. I cannot be successful without your help. Which is why I want you on my team. I am asking you to help with a financial contribution. Even a small amount can help us reach our goal. Give to my campaign you may do so online or by completing this form and mailing a check or money order to:


Friends of Charlene Nelson

P.O. Box 1063

Clayton, North Carolina 27528


Make checks payable to: Friends of Charlene Nelson


Contribution Amount

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Contribution Type

Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "RALLY/PIRYX"


By clicking submit you agree to our refund policy in our terms of service.

North Carolina law allows any individuals to contribute up to $5,400 per election. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law. NC law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, job title or profession and name of employer or employer’s specific field for each individual whose contribution aggregate is in excess of $50 in an election. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Only United States Citizens and Permanent Residents are allowed to make contributions.

Piryx - The Social Giving Platform

Now fundraising is as easy as writing a blog or posting a status update and can be integrated into your website, product or mobile app. With Piryx, causes raise money online in more volume and much more effectively across the web. To learn more and create your own free account visit Piryx.com.