The Louisville TEA Party is dedicated to helping citizens be successful in requiring lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government.
The government governs best which governs least, and that happens in direct proportion to the number of citizens active in monitoring and guiding things in that direction. Your donation will go to increase those numbers and their effectiveness.
Each month we bring interesting and unique meeting content to the Jefferson/Oldham/Bullitt County areas that you will find nowhere else.
We have come a long way since 2009, and look forward to defending our freedoms to hand on to future generations.
The Louisville TEA Party is an IRS-recognized 527 non-profit and therefore contributions are not tax-deductible as business or charitable contributions. Contact us at or Our mailing address is 13703 Aiken Rd, Suite T , Louisville Kentucky, 40245.
Now fundraising is as easy as writing a blog or posting a status update and can be integrated into your website, product or mobile app. With Piryx, causes raise money online in more volume and much more effectively across the web. To learn more and create your own free account visit