Legal Compliance
I affirm that the following statements are true and accurate:
I am making this contribution from my own funds and not those of another.
I am making this contribution on my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or credit card issued to anyone else.
When making a contribution please include your complete mailing address along with your occupation, title, and the name of your employer or law firm of which you or your spouse is a member, if any; or if the contributor is a minor child, the name of the law firm of which either of the child's parents is a member, if any. This information is needed to comply with judicial campaign reporting requirements of Title 15, Texas Election Code, Section 254.0611.
Individual contributions are limited to $5,000 in accordance with Title 15, Texas Election Code, Section 253.155. The total of all contributions by a person, that person's spouse, and that person's minor children cannot exceed the $5,000 limit; however, PACs may contribute up to $25,000 and firms may contribute in aggregate up to $30,000 per individual firm. Contributions are subject to the prohibitions and limitations of the Texas Election Code, which prohibits contributions from corporations. All contributions must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed by any other person. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Political Advertising Paid for by Justice Lana Myers Campaign, Ginny Burns, Treasurer. In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.