
OUTLOUD Freeman Foundation Matching Campaign

Raised: $3,075.00 Goal: $5,000.00

    At Youth OUTLOUD meetings, trained facilitators supervised by a licensed counselor interact with youth in an affirming and supportive environment.  The main purpose of the group is to help GLBT youth overcome feelings of isolation and fear of discrimination and to promote building self esteem.

   Through the generous support of the Freeman Foundation, we have received a grant to support the costs of operating Youth OUTLOUD, but it comes with one stipulation: we must raise matching funds by April 30, 2012 from our own community to become eligible for this gift.

    This means, however, that any amount you chose to give until that deadline will be DOUBLED up to $5,000 due to the generosity of this foundation. PLEASE consider donating – your contribution is also tax-deductible.

    Think about it. How often does the chance to DOUBLE your money arise? Your gift of $50 could become $100; $250 could become $500; $1,000 could become $2,000! This is an amazing opportunity for Youth OUTLOUD--one that could not have come at a more opportune time since we are ready to print the recently developed GLBTQ Student Resource Guide For the Midlands of South Carolina! But we need YOUR help to take advantage of this moment.

    We need your help to make it better in South Carolina! Words spoken at vigils and YouTube videos posted on the Internet only go so far toward changing bullying policies, creating safe spaces for youth, and supporting resources that can prevent suicide.

    If there are teachers, guidance counselors and others in our state who are willing to reach out to GLBTQ youth we must provide them with the tools to enable them to do so. Please help this effort by making a tax deductible donation to the Harriet Hancock Center Foundation designated for “Youth OUTLOUD”.

    We ask our youth to believe “it will get better”; it is up to us to help make it better. Donate today!

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The Harriet Hancock Center Foundation is organized as a non-profit corporation and has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID# 57-0836466). The Harriet Hancock Center Foundation is also registered charity with the Secretary of State of South Carolina. No goods and/or services were provided by the Harriet Hancock Center Foundation for your gift. Please consult your tax adviser for the extent to which your contribution is tax deductible according to the law.

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