- This contribution is being made from the funds and credit/debit card of the person or entity listed in the "Personal Information" section above.
- This contribution is not made from the general treasury of a corporation, labor organization or national bank (under Texas law, professional corporations as well as LLCs and LLPs that are not owned in whole or in part by a corporation may lawfully contribute).
- For individuals:
a. I am either a U.S. citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with permanent residence status (e.g., a "green card holder").
b. I am at least 18 years of age.
Additional Legal Information:
Political contributions are not tax deductible. The Judicial Campaign Fairness Act limits contributions from individuals to the Chief Justice Nathan Hecht Campaign to $5,000 per election, and an individual shares this limit with their spouse. Once a law firm and persons and entities affiliated with that law firm have made contributions to the Chief Justice Nathan Hecht Campaign in excess of $30,000 per election, our campaign may only accept contributions of $50 or less from persons and entities affiliated with that law firm. Although Texas law does not impose an absolute limit on contributions from general-purpose political committees to the Chief Justice Nathan Hecht Campaign, contributions and direct campaign expenditures in support of our campaign that aggregate in excess of $25,000 will trigger special Texas Ethics Commission filings and may allow our opponent to not comply with the limits on contributions, expenditures, and reimbursement of personal funds. State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the full name and address, principal occupation or job title, and full name of employer of individuals whose contributions equal or exceed $500 in a reporting period.