
Advertise in the Playbill


Advertise in the Evening’s Playbill/Advertising Book


To ensure excellent quality printing, Participants are requested to submit camera-ready ads. Ads must be original, clear black or color print, not fuzzy. We are requesting ads be submitted in digital form, if at all possible, to ensure the highest quality reproduction. Please submit as a Microsoft Word document, with digital quality photographs.



·         The Souvenir Program Book will be printed in portrait format. Ads may contain any graphics as well as photos as described above.

·         The page design will be consistent throughout the book.

·         The typefaces will be limited to four for the entire book (aside from supplied artwork.)

·         Your graphics will make your page unique.

·         Screens of color and gradation of color do not reproduce well and should be avoided.  Black/White is preferred.

·         Please do not over design. Simple is more pleasing to the eye and easier to read.

·         The best means to communicate a change on the journal during the production process is in writing, via email. No corrections will be taken over the phone. If they are written, there will be less chance of spelling errors.

·         Ad must be typed exactly as it is to appear in the Ad/playbook, or staple a copy of your ad and/or business card to this agreement.

·         Ads can also be emailed to:  info@joinconstablerosen.com.

·         All ads are to be print or camera ready.  Ad measurements are based on a 5 ½ x 8 ½ page size. 

·         Black & white or color photographs accepted.   Ads will appear in black & white

·         You may wish to use one of the following fonts for your ad copy Bookman, Courier, or Times Roman, Arial.



·         All ads must be received no later than the FINAL collection date of:  February 18, 2014

·         Any ads received after the deadline may not appear in the souvenir program book.



Ads and/or Patrons will not be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate amount of money and a Submission of Funds form. Ads should be listed on the “Ad Form”; a copy of your ad should be attached and an electronic copy on CD or USB or by email to info@joinconstablerosen.com.

·         EXACT message must be stated.

·         Spelling must be CORRECT.

·         Message must be TYPED in the appropriate size and format.

·         Submit ORIGINAL pictures only.


Type of Ad                                          Cost      

Full Page                                              $350.00

Half Page with picture                    $225.00

Fourth Page no picture                  $150.00

Business Card                                   $125.00


Corportate funds are prohibited.

Contribution Amount

Personal Information

  • Required
  • Required
  • Required

  • Required
  • Required
  • Required
  • Required

Employment Information

  • Required
  • Required

Payment Information

Billing Information

Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "RALLY/PIRYX"


By clicking submit you agree to our refund policy in our terms of service.

Political advertisement paid for by the Alan Rosen Campaign, Ambassador Arthur Schechter, Campaign Treasurer; Hon. Lee P. Brown, Campaign Chair.

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