
Greene Water in Bachira

Raised: $6,386.60 Goal: $46,000.00

 Offline donations- $29,005

Photo above:  Tigist and Mihiretu's brother and friends from Bachira gathering water from current contaminated source

It's been almost 6 years since we traveled to Ethiopia and brought home our Tigist and Mihiretu.  It's safe to say our lives have never been the same!  Our brave children left behind so much.  They had to say goodbye to friends they had known their whole life and a father and older brother who love them.  Those first few months, Tigist had a regular nightly prayer, naming an entire village of people it seemed, asking God to help them have enough food and water and not to get sick. The sincere prayers of a then 4 year old just broke our hearts and we knew we had to do something for our family in Ethiopia!
For years, so many of you have helped us give clean water, healthcare and education to THOUSANDS of families in rural Ethiopia!  We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of so many and love how our children are changing lives! Our goal from the very beginning was to get clean water to the village of Bachira, where our children were born.  However, we've never had the right contacts or resources to make that possible UNTIL NOW!!!
We are beyond thrilled to be joining WEEMA International to bring clean water directly to our friends and family in Tigist and Mihiretu's village!  Construction can begin as soon as we have the funds raised, and we are thrilled to be partnering with the local community in constructing these clean water projects!  There will be a total of 5 distribution points, a cattle trough and a water basin.  This community will finally have access to safe drinking water and won't have to spend so much of their day gathering it. 80% of all illness in Ethiopia is due to contaminated drinking water and with your help we will forever change this reality for our village of Bachira!
Please join us!
- Jeff and Kristen Greene
PS  You can read more about Bachira Water Project project on the WEEMA website.

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