The maximum for donations by a person is $2,000 per election cycle per person for a campaign of a two-year term position. Foreign Nationals, Foreign Corporations, State and Federal Contractors are prohibited from contributing into campaign donations.
If a donor gives $1,000 or more, that donor's occupation and employer must be recorded.
If a person under 18 contributes money, that person's donation is attributed to his or her parent's or legal guardian's contribution limits.
Our campaign must be keep record of my immediate family and non-Hawaii resident's campaign contributions.
This political contribution does not qualify for charitable donation benefits in terms of income tax breaks. Consult your tax advisor for further information.
Now fundraising is as easy as writing a blog or posting a status update and can be integrated into your website, product or mobile app. With Piryx, causes raise money online in more volume and much more effectively across the web. To learn more and create your own free account visit