
Doug & Paula Allen - Project 100 Twenty-Five - Monthly Support


2 Corinthians 8:12-15
As a young believer I heard a somewhat unbalanced message on giving taken from the story of the "Widow's Mite" (Luke 21:2-4); it "warped" my belief system with regards to giving for many years. My offerings became guilt driven and amount focused, rather than obedience focused and a source of great joy. While the widow's example should challenge us to obediently give sacrificially at times, the real message is that God is not distracted by the size of the gift, but rather is looking at the heart of the giver.  To this day, I find myself at times being hesitant to give to ministry projects because I feel that the size of my gift might somehow reflect a lack of appreciation for the value of the project.  God doesn't see it that way!  As Paul stated above: it's the desire to give that trumps the amount of the gift.

Paula and I could not do what we do without the obedient and cheerful giving of God's people, and we grateful beyond words, but we don't want the widows mite!   It is not our desire that our partners feel pressure to make our lives easier at the expense of the well being of themselves or their families.  We love our partners and appreciate the fact that they have invested their lives to earn the funds that they sow into our ministry. In addition, to be perfectly frank, I can't handle the pressure of knowing that I am enjoy a standard of living that came at the expense of the quality of life of our partners.  If I choose to take my wife out for dinner, I would find it hard to enjoy our meal while thinking about a hungry widow! 
I believe that many ministries are constantly appealing for support out of need because they are always producing need in the lives of their partners.  This results in a cycle of sowing and reaping that is counterproductive to the Kingdom of God.   While World Mission is to be a primary focus of the local church , it is not to be at the expense of the proper function of the Body.  High pressured, shame / guilt driven giving damages weaker believers individually, and the local church as whole; both spiritually as well as financially.  God forbid that we, or any other ministry exist at the expense of Christ's bride. 

This is the motivation behind Project 100 Twenty-Five. We asked the Lord to give us direction and wisdom in forming ministry partnerships and believe that we have heard from heaven.  Our goal is to establish a harvest relationship with100 partners committed to sowing $25.00 per Month.  This will fully fund the day to day operations of the ministry outreach.  Each of our partners will receive a quarterly financial statement so see how their lives are being invested.  Special projects, such as Church Plants, Feeding Centers, Orphanages, and the like, will simply be presented; without the pressure of appeal.  God has assured us that He will appeal to the people whom He has enabled to support these projects.   I firmly believe that this will produce genuine Kingdom sowing and reaping; giving that God bless supernaturally.

If you this project resonates with your spirit, please prayerfully consider being 1 of the 100.

If you prefer mailing over online giving, the  mailing address is as follows:

Please Make checks payable to: globalROAR  - Write Doug and Paula Allen in the Memo Field

Mailing Address:

Doug and Paula Allen
c/o globalROAR
909 Pratt Ave.
Crown Point, IN 46307  

globalROAR is an IRS accepted 501c3 non-profit organization.


Thank You!

No borders... only people,
Doug and Paula Allen 

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