
September to Remember


Today I am asking you to help me give Harry Reid a “September to Remember.”  I've launched an unprecedented online push to raise $1.25 million dollars, reach 75,000 Facebook fans, and increase our Twitter followers to 6,000- all before the end of September. We're using the money to fund TV ads highlighting Harry Reid's horrible record, and it's working. Please help us reach this goal and donate now!

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Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income-tax purposes.  Federal law requires Friends of Sharron Angle to use our best efforts to report the name, address, occupation, and employer of any contributor who exceeds $200.00 per election cycle.  Contributions from Individuals and unincorporated  business entities are permitted, up to a maximum of $2,400 for the general election.  Couples may donate up to a maximum of $4,800 for the general election.  Federal multi-candidate PACs may donate up to a maximum of $5,000 for the general election.  Contributions from corporations , labor unions, federal-government contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals without permanent residency status are prohibited.

Piryx - The Social Giving Platform

Now fundraising is as easy as writing a blog or posting a status update and can be integrated into your website, product or mobile app. With Piryx, causes raise money online in more volume and much more effectively across the web. To learn more and create your own free account visit Piryx.com.