
Defend Property Rights in Cecil County


There is a serious threat to property rights looming over Cecil County.

Our county council has voted to create a workgroup to design a new tier map that will undoubtedly attempt to place private property into a classification that limits development.  

This action will drastically reduce the value of any land that is placed in the most restrictive tiers. 

This amounts to nothing less than government theft of citizen's property and wealth.

Maryland Campaign for Liberty strongly opposes any legislation that attempts to prevent property owners from subdividing their land.

Property owners should be secure in their right to award parcels of their property to family members or to sell them to supplement their income. 

It's up to you and me to send a strong message to our County Executive and our County Council that private property rights are sacred and any infringement on those rights will not be tolerated.   

Won't you help Maryland Campaign for Liberty hold our local politicians accountable?  

Will you chip in $100, $50, or even $25 today to help us mobilize Cecil County citizens to prevent government encroachment of constitutionally guaranteed property rights?  

Your donation will help offset costs associated with running a petition drive, email marketing, printing costs, ads, and robo-calls to alert citizens and organize resistance against this threat. 

Please chip in below to help us pressure our County Executive and County Council to vote down any legislation that further restricts private property rights and robs citizens of their wealth.


For Liberty,


Bob Willick,

State Coordinator

Maryland Campaign for Liberty

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Do you have questions?  Need help?

Contact Bob Willick
State Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty

PO Box 937
Rising Sun, MD 21911


Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. paid for this communication and is solely responsible for its content. Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. is an IRS 501(c)4 non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions. Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. does not endorse, support or oppose any candidate or public office holder. This was not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

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