
Let's Arm Marylanders with the Truth!


Politicians, just like children, must know that there are consequences for bad behavior.

If you and I don't prove to them that there is a price for voting away our liberties or lying to constituents, then we shouldn't be surprised if they continue doing the same bad things over and over.

Our goal in 2018 is to communicate, district by district, the bad votes that legislators have taken so that Marylanders are fully aware of what their local representatives are doing in Annapolis and at the local level.

After all, most people don't have time to pay attention to what the General Assembly or their local County Council are doing.

This is where Maryland Campaign for Liberty can fill a void and expose the votes that politicians  at every level would rather the people not know about.

Please chip in today with what you can to help more Marylanders know the truth about how the well-connected insiders are selling us short.  Armed with the truth, I know that Marylanders can and will hold their elected officials accountable.

For Liberty,

Bob Willick

State Coordinator

Maryland Campaign for Liberty

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Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc.

PO Box 937

Rising Sun, MD 21911

Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. paid for this communication and is solely responsible for its content. Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. is an IRS 501(c)4 non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions. Maryland Campaign for Liberty Inc. does not endorse, support or oppose any candidate or public office holder. This was not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

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