Fight Back Against Stealth Elections

As an advocate for maximizing citizen involvement in government, RetakeOurGov supports holding votes for property tax millages during the November general election.  Voter turnout during a November election is far greater than at other times of the year, especially during even number years.  Voter turnout during an off month, such as February or May can be in the range of 15-25%, while voter turnout during November is generally two to three times greater (50-75%)

If a governmental unit believes it is in the community’s best interest to move forward with a property tax vote, we strongly recommend that this vote be scheduled for November in an even numbered year, when voter turnout is the greatest.  Scheduling the vote at any other time of year limits citizen participation and disenfranchises voters.

If you agree that millage elections should be held in November then please consider supporting our efforts to fight back against local elected officials who ignore our reasonable request and continue to schedule "stealth" elections.  Your contribution of $10 or $20 or even more provides funding to battle against big government officials right in our backyard.

Your contribution to this campaign will be used exclusively for battling against property tax votes that ARE NOT scheduled during November of even-numbered years.  Think of your contribution as "insurance" against a future property tax increase enacted by a stealth election with a voter turnout of as low as 15%.  This "insurance" fund provides monies necessary to increase voter turnout to defeat these tax increases.  Your generous contribution allows us to purchase yard signs, distribute flyers, and make robo-calls to inform the electorate of the upcoming stealth election.

With your support we will defeat stealth elections.  Elected officials will soon realize that they must hold elections in November of even numbered years or their millage increase will go down to certain defeat.

Your $20 contribution will go a long ways toward defeating millage proposals which could raise your property taxes by $100, $200, or even more.

Thank you


(Note: RetakeOurGov has a political action committee (PAC) registered with the State of Michigan.  We were the first Tea Party in Michigan to register as a PAC. This enables us to legally raise money to influence elections such as property tax votes.  Your contribution goes directly to work for you on this important cause)


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RetakeOurGov-Michigan is a political action committee (PAC) and part of the RetakeOurGov Tea Party Group.  RetakeOurGov-Michigan is an independent PAC, not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.  We are non-partisan and oppose candidates, regardless of party affiliation, that fail to support a limited role for government, as expressed in the Constitution of the United States.  RetakeOurGov will also endorse and support candidates who support our Constitution.

Being registered in the State of Michigan allows RetakeOurGov-Michigan to legally spend money in elections within Michigan.  This includes statewide offices such as Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Supreme Court Justices, etc.  We can also spend money in local races such as State Senate, State Representative, County Commissioners, etc.  Further we can exert our influence in property tax millage votes, as well as all other ballot initiatives.  In short, when dealing with elections within the State of Michigan, RetakeOurGov-Michigan will be there to represent your interests of limited and constitutional government.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  RetakeOurGov-Michigan may only contribute to elections governed by the State of Michigan.  This does not include Federal elections for Congress, Senate, and President.  If you want your campaign contribution to be used in a Federal race please contribute to RetakeOurGov PAC.

If you would rather contribute by check please make check payable to RetakeOurGov-Michigan and mail it to P.O. Box 37, Hartland, MI  48353-0037

Thank you very much! 

(Privacy policy: Your privacy is important to us.  Therefore, RetakeOurGov pledges not to sell, rent, or trade your email address or any other personal information to any third party)