Contribute to RetakeOurGov-Michigan

Irresponsible spending is not confined to just Washington D.C.!  From Lansing to our local school boards, Michigan's elected representatives have a fondness for big government.  That's why we formed RetakeOurGov-Michigan.

RetakeOurGov-Michigan provides citizens with their own political action committee (PAC) to influence elections right here in Michigan.  Citizens can now pool their campaign contributions to leverage their political clout in state and local elections.

(Many of you may already know us from our sister organization, RetakeOurGov PAC.  RetakeOurGov PAC was formed prior to the 2010 mid-term elections to help oust big-spending liberals from their Congressional seats.  RetakeOurGov PAC differs from RetakeOurGov-Michigan PAC in that the former focuses on Federal races while the latter focuses on State/local races.  Campaign finance regulations require one PAC for Federal races and another for State/local races.  With our two PAC's, RetakeOurGov is now able to go after big-spending liberals at all levels of government.  They have no place left to hide!!  Note: if you also desire to get involved with Federal races (i.e. booting out Debbie Stabenow in 2012) please consider an additional contribution to RetakeOurGov PAC.)

RetakeOurGov is a grassroots group of citizens who have “gotten up off the couch” to promote positive change for America.  It is through your involvement that our country and our state will return to our founding principles of individual freedom and responsibility, smaller and more efficient government, and less burden on overworked taxpayers.

For decades the governing class along with our elected representatives, both Democrats and Republicans, have piled mountains of debt on our children and grandchildren.  They spend and borrow because it helps them get re-elected, but America is worse off.  It is time for all of us to get involved to keep from digging a hole we can never get out of. 

Our grassroots organization is committed to the American Dream for the long-haul.  We are one of but a few groups nationwide to establish a political action committee (PAC).  You can now leverage your campaign contributions by pooling them with like-minded citizens who share your values of constitutionally limited government - for all.    Your generous contribution will help us RETAKE OUR GOVERNMENT!


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Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "RALLY/PIRYX"


By clicking submit you agree to our refund policy in our terms of service.


RetakeOurGov-Michigan is a political action committee (PAC) and part of the RetakeOurGov Tea Party Group.  RetakeOurGov-Michigan is an independent PAC, not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.  We are non-partisan and oppose candidates, regardless of party affiliation, that fail to support a limited role for government, as expressed in the Constitution of the United States.  RetakeOurGov will also endorse and support candidates who support our Constitution.

Being registered in the State of Michigan allows RetakeOurGov-Michigan to legally spend money in elections within Michigan.  This includes statewide offices such as Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Supreme Court Justices, etc.  We can also spend money in local races such as State Senate, State Representative, County Commissioners, etc.  Further we can exert our influence in property tax millage votes, as well as all other ballot initiatives.  In short, when dealing with elections within the State of Michigan, RetakeOurGov-Michigan will be there to represent your interests of limited and constitutional government.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  RetakeOurGov-Michigan may only contribute to elections governed by the State of Michigan.  This does not include Federal elections for Congress, Senate, and President.  If you want your campaign contribution to be used in a Federal race please contribute to RetakeOurGov PAC.

If you would rather contribute by check please make check payable to RetakeOurGov-Michigan and mail it to P.O. Box 37, Hartland, MI  48353-0037

Thank you very much! 

(Privacy policy: Your privacy is important to us.  Therefore, RetakeOurGov pledges not to sell, rent, or trade your email address or any other personal information to any third party)