
Donate to Scalley for Delegate


Please donate to Scalley for Delegate. A strong voice to protect our traditional values and stop the expansion of Obamacare in Virginia.

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Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "RALLY/PIRYX"


By clicking submit you agree to our refund policy in our terms of service.

Please be sure to 'Like' & SHARE our message on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MelodyHimelScalley


There is no maximum donation restriction in Virginia.  Donations will appear on your account as "Piryx". 

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.  By submitting this form, I am verifying that I am a United States Citizen or an individual admitted with permanent resident status.  Unlimited corporate, personal and PAC gifts are permitted in Virginia. State law requires us to report employer and occupation information for those who contribute more than $100 in the aggregate. For more information please contact the campaign at (757) 504-3123.


Checks should be made payable to "Friends of Melody Scalley" and can be mailed to P.O. Box 1005, Eastville, VA 23347.

Thank you for your support, prayers and contribution!

Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MelodyHimelScalley

Return to www.scalleyfordelegate.com 

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