Your generous donation to the Roche for Congress campaign is greatly appreciated.
If you would prefer to donate by check, make check out to “Roche for Congress” and send to 1251 NW Maynard Rd, #104 Cary, NC 27513. Please include mailing address, occupation, and employer.
The Federal Election Commission requirements for all individual donors are:
- I am a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
- I am donating my own money- I am not under contract to the Federal Government
- I am not making this contribution in the name of another person
- I am 18 years of age or older
Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual.
Donations to Roche for Congress are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, federal contractors, and foreign nationals cannot be accepted. Federal law limits contributions to $5,200 per person per two year election cycle ($2,600 for primary election, $2,600 for general election). Corporate checks are prohibited.
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