
First Amendment Protectin Pre-recorded Webinar


What you're doing is illegal!
That's what government bodies across the country want to tell grassroots activist groups.

They want to tell us that we can't do what we do.

Through use of "Gag Acts," local and state governments are aiming to completely strip you and your group of your First Amendment rights.

They're trying to weaponize the campaign finance law, expand the power of the bureaucracy, and catch you in a legal snafu before you can deliver political pain.

That's why we are making available our First Amendment Protection Pre-recorded Webinar.

Complete the form below to purchase your copy of this pre-recorded webinar.

You see, they just hate when we expose their liberal voting records or mobilize our fellow citizens to call their offices.

They don't just get mad when we do this -- they scheme with their bureaucrat friends to find a way to muzzle the grassroots.

And sadly, in some jurisdictions and even states, they've been successful.

You can't let this happen in your neck of the woods.

We're going to discuss these onerous schemes and walk you through one such recent "Gag Act" fight.

We'll have a guest speaker, Talbert Black, from South Carolina who recently defeated a Gag Act bill in his own state.

Complete the form below to purchase your copy of this pre-recorded webinar.

Talbert's going to go through what it was, what the politicians were saying and doing, and how he ultimately worked with other activists and groups to defeat the measure.

You won't want to miss this important webinar because I'll bet some politician in your state is looking to restrict your First Amendment rights now as well.

For Liberty,
Kirk Shelley
Senior Advisor and Instructor

P.S. Don't let politicians and bureaucrats tag-team to rob you of your right to speak out against tyranny.

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