I need your support. Help my re-election campaign with a contribution today!
With your financial backing, I’ll have the resources to win on November 6th and continue to work hard and deliver results for our local community in the Texas Legislature.
If you prefer to mail your donation, please make your check payable to the Dwayne Bohac Campaign and send to:
Dwayne Bohac Campaign
7941 Katy Freeway #230
Houston, Texas 77024
State law requires the campaign to use its best efforts to collect and report the full name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions equal or exceed $500 in a reporting period. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law. Personal and PAC checks are welcome and there are no dollar limits on the amount of the contribution. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Political ad paid for by the Dwayne Bohac Campaign
7941 Katy Freeway #230, Houston, Texas 77024
David Evans, Treasurer
713-425-0150 | info@bohac.com | www.bohac.com
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