
Give the gift of sustenance!

Raised: $31,520.00 Goal: $30,000.00


Out Now is a youth-led, adult-advised, queer youth organization that works to promote harm reduction, self-determination & community building through anti-oppression organizing.

What started as a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youth support group in a church basement almost 25 years ago has blossomed into a powerful & inspiring grassroots non-profit organization that offers robust support to area LGBTQ+ youth. Some of our programming options in pre-pandemic times included spoken word poetry workshops, popular education sessions, and weekly drop-in hours.

We currently meet online every week but are cautiously, eagerly planning our return to IRL gatherings. Your donation assures that Out Now remains strong and visible during this time! and permits us to continue to offer space – virtual but as real as ever – where youth are empowered to become fierce and impassioned leaders.

Out Now has been the first place in my life where I feel safe - not only in a physical sense but I am also safe to open my mind to think about things I never thought possible, say things out loud that I can’t anywhere else, and be challenged to take it a step further and bring my ideas to life.”   SQ, age 22



Please consider becoming a monthly sustainer through this secure online platform or by mail:

Out Now  •  PO Box 5321  •  Springfield MA  •  01101 


Thank you for your confidence in our work.  

Let's continue struggling for liberation, together!  


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Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as "RALLY/PIRYX"


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